
so i've gotten back some papers. chem is a big fat U!!!! so expected lor. walao, it's like honestly so stupid lah. 90% of the cohort failed leh. what the heck do the teachers want from that anyway? can't get their logic! so ironic lah, even if you get an S, you are still like 80 smt percentile! haha, phys i got a B. so happy. but i could've done better and got an A though. stupid careless mistakes.

so i've spent afternoon in quite a strange way. went to kap after school with Grumpy and Happy. joined later by Doc :) too bad that Sleepy had band exco selection, Bashful got cip and Sneezy was emoing about her CT results so they couldn't join us. but 3 of us did have fun anyway. talked cock and eat all the way, until clumsy Grumpy realised that her wallet was gone :)) she paniced and we decided to go back to school, on a mission to find Grumpy's lost wallet (lost IC which costs freaking 300 bucks for exact). hahaha, we ended up couldn't find the wallet and went to the school crest (initially to enjoy the wind and relax). but we ended up dancing around in the rain and shouting like crazy people there. it was super fun lah. then we went to the amphi and band room, intending to make Sleepy jealous. she got a super stupid job for the election lah: checker (means you count the votes) -.-". along the way we made up the name 7 Dwarfs, hence the names were changed into those :) and i'm Dopey :D, the cutest of them all :)) muahahahahaha. the so called initially gossip clas now has an official name: THE 7 DWARFS.

Kristy is Doc
Lynna is Sleepy
Jinghuai is Sneezy
Kai Ting is Happy
Fu Di is Bashful
Amalina is Grumpy
and I am Dopey, the cutest of them all :D

it's amazing how a rain can wash away so many things, not just your dirts. slipped my mouth for 2 words only, Grumpy alr guessed about my problem. i'm happy to have such sensitive and sharp friends like that. sometimes you don't even have to talk about the problem, but the fact that they just know about it comforts you a lots. thanx man :D

okay here are some random photos that i haven't posted or just taken

introducing, God's son

hahahaha, i'm falling from the sky :D

and does this look gay? i think it looks okay lor

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