
this is to answer Hentai's calling lol, even though i did tag her blog (for the 1st time i guess :p). so here goes my confessions lol

1. Real name: Nguyen Duc Chinh/Daniel
2. Nick name: Da Niao, Tit, Round, Birdy and watever u can think of -.-"
3. Married to: My hands?! lol kidding. Not yet lah. Some demure girl maybe.
4. Male or Female: Male lah, I have proof!
5. High school: Some random physic gifted school back in Vietnam -.-"
6. College: NJC
7. Short or long hair: Short
8. Are you a health freak: Duh, of coz not lah =))
9. Height: 16smt cm. I noe! Dun rub it in!!!!!!
10. Do you have a crush on someone: Nope
11. Do you like yourself: Hahahahahaha, of coz
12. Piercings: Used to have, but now there's only a big scar.
13. Righty or Lefty: Righty XD


14. First surgery: Fortunately not yet, but most likely to happen in near future :)
15. First piercing: Last year?! lol
16. First person you see in the morning: My roommate!
17. First award: Hmm, some academic thingy which I don't rmb
18. First sport you joined: Some martial art thingy, both Karate and Teakwondo I think. I noe I don't look like I did those things =.=
19. First pet: A turtle. It ended up in my mom's soup pot. I changed to more intelligent animals afterward like cats and dogs =)) <3
20. First vacation: Some random beach in Vietnam. I was freaking 3 okay, and my dad happily FORGOT me there until he realised, I quote him, "smt was missing" -.-
21. First crush: Some kindergarten mate that I don't rmb much except for the exceptionally nice smell on her ... bag lol


22. Eating: Instant noodles. Sucks but still better than hostel food! Don't get me start -.-
23. Drinking: Coffee. Believe it or not, it acts as my sleeping pills!
24. I'm about to: Continue typing! Duh -.-


25. Want kids: Of coz lah. 4 of them, 2 boys 2 girls. I believe in gender equality lol :P
26. Want to get married: Like I can produce those 4 kids by myself -.-' and I have my needs also lah :))
27. Career in mind: Financing/Banker


28. Kissed a stranger: Well, kind of. But it's an accident though :P and it's a woman! @__@
29. Drunk bubbles: I have other better things to do while bathing -.-
30. Lost glasses/contacts: Lots of time lol
31. Run away from home: Siao! So comfy at home lah! Now I'm like wishing to be there can!!!!
32. Liked someone younger: YESSSSS
33. Liked someone older: EWWWWWW
34. Broken someone's heart: Errrr, nope i guess :P So kind lor
35. Been arrested: Obviously NOT. I'm a proper GUY!
36. Cried when someone died: Yup!
37. Liked a friend: Nope lah. I LOVE them lol :D


38. Yourself: 100% (can I put more? lol)
39. Miracles: Sadly not really
40. Heaven: Surprisingly yes
41. Santa Claus: How old do u think I am? X( Of coz not lah!
42. Angels: Hmm, not really


43. Is there one person you want to be with right now: More than 1.
44. Do you believe in God: Sometimes....

Lol, yup, that's it. And I'm not tired nor sleepy yet -.- Will go read up for chem spa then.
Nite everyone.

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