
Hmm, my sore-throat got worse -.-" it's like killing me now. it pains a lot when i talk and thanks to my strong lungs, I experience the pain quite often (lol i really think i need to learn to speak softly somehow :P)

The teachers are getting pissy day by day, and for some reasons, they chose today to be the day they trash all those piss on students. The day started with the econs teacher scolded us for not getting the notes in time for lectures. Okay, it's sort of our fault not getting updated and the rep is not there and all. But scold us can already, why need to specifically attack the IPs? -.- I really can't be bothered by this issue already. People take too much of a deal out of it lah. Just don't push it lah. The more you push it, the more people are aware of the gap lor. And still talking about it in such negative ways -.-" Haiyo, okay lah, let's just continue. Luckily for me I didn't have to experience the second teacher lol. But it was quite scary lah lol :D I really can't talk more about it without being more specific on the person so yah, will stop here XD. Whao, the happy ending for today was the best man lol. We got scolded for choosing not come come down to the field for sport day but crapping in the canteen instead. And most probably will have to do CW for it. The teacher was like mad when scolding us lah lol. Haha, I think it's really our fault lor, slackers mah. But I think it's the first time I ever see that teacher get that MAD lol. It's really scary. Luckily the teacher didn't call upon the higher power or we'll just die right there haha =)) But well, according to Fuddy, we can do CW together, which will most probably be FUN also lol :D, just pray it's not toilet or rubbish can alr lah XD.

The school is like killing our pockets. A lot of money was spent on eating and drinking (and ironically, we only have 1 frigging free period during the whole week). And have to pay for the all the notes somemore. Walau, I miss IP1 and 2 years man, when all the notes are paid for by (lol, i also dunno, but not ME lol :D). Then they are collecting KM fees -.-" lol I think I'll just go on diet from tmr onwards.

Yay, I'm getting a hold of the school work and stuff. Feels so good. I suddenly feel motivated work hard. lol I'm not living up the the name of this blog, okay lah, the second part only lol :D

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