
okay, so finally chem paper was over. it's not as dreadful as the common test last time, and i'm having a very bold vision that i'll actually pass for good this time round. only math (which will start in less than 8 hrs) and physics are left. hoorray.

i've just realised that i never study much for exams, especially ever since i came here. previously, i would have mugged my ass off if i were in vietnam and the final exam was coming. but now, well, not much. seriously, it's not because of my lazy nature or my little malfunctional brain. it's just somehow i'm not actually stressed or scared until the very last minute. that's why it's been a tradition of mine to stay up all night before the exam day, mug or read notes, then go do the paper. even for econs, i only started reading like 2, 3 days before the paper. the remaining time, i was just goofing around.

haiz, enough exam thoughts. on a more cheerful note, a lot of birthdays are coming y'all (take a hint here *ahem*). can't wait to pull all the tricks we prepared on the birthday boy/girls. and finally i get to allocate time for SAT. i'm really hoping that i could just pull this off in maximum 2 times. and i will have more time to touch back on my jap stuff (which is so long forgotten).

it's actually a bad habit of mine that i usually criticise when i read people's blogs. like there's this voice inside my head that keeps repeating "bullshit" or "so stupid" or "so pathetic" etc. there, you get the idea. and since i can't seem to get rid of it coz it has become somewhat an involuntary reaction to me, i've decided to be nicer by avoiding random blogs :D smart ideas right :)

and now i'm ranting. it just occurred to me that my posts rarely have specific topics. they are mostly rants that flash through my head as i type. very random. okay, i should just stop and wrap this up. i have a freaking paper tomorrow (math). god, when will you spare me of this stupid and boring thing called math? -.- too bad i don't think i'll be granted that wish, at least in this life time since i stick to economics, which means math is a must :(( suck!

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