
despite of the fact that i've decided not to post anymore here until promo is over, yet i'm here. the main cause is that i've been really troubled lately, over mostly silly stuff that i don't want to tell people (and probably people don't want to hear).

okay, so i've been thinking like crazily hard about this friendship stuff. (am i being too insecure here coz i keep thinking about this thing over and over again? lol). anyway, being a global citizen sucks. i can imagine myself, in the future, very sucessful (hopefully) and yet with no close friends. i really want something like this present, when i have 6 + 2 of you to talk to. but still, i know all good things must come to an end. haiz, it seems i can't get over this doesn't it? well, this person told me that maybe having a lot of good friends is better than close friends. come to think of it, this may be true. for the mean time, i'll just have to put this aside and really need to focus on this crazy shit called promo.

oh yah, and when i thought that i could escape from astar attachment, they caught me -.-" crazy! now i can confirm that it is the most regrettable decision in my whole life to join this stupid thing. they still cheated my feeling somemore. when i first came here, was very innocent and pure and naive, they told me that it's gonna be very fun and exciting and it wouldn't eat up into my holidays, plus, this teacher told me it's very good and i'd be stupid if i didn't join. so yup, the innocent-boy-who-think-the-whole-world-is-beautiful me, joined this research attachment thing. and now, i've to stay here until 19 DEC!!!!! only 2 freaking weeks in vietnam! urrrrhhh! i don't even know it's enough time for my operation or not -.-" to add in to the soreness, my parents scolded me for being stupid -.-" just great!

and recently, i've had this principle, or mindset to be exact, that i don't seem to be able to get rid of. it's really easy for me to belittle or disgust my peers, especially (and ironicall and embarassingly) vietnamese people. by vietnamese, i don't mean the vietnamese scholars here by people staying in vietnam. i just realised that they are so blindly and stupidly materialistic. this is not a generalisation coz most of are. okay, i've got to admit that i'm materialistic also, but not to the extend to sleep with the girl to make her pregnant to marry her in order to work in her dad's company. that's just cheap and coward. and what's with all the running after clothes trends and stuff even though those things don't suit you? everytime i go back home, or surfing random blogs, i'm so tired of seeing super fat girl in some harajuku clothes that will potentially freak the hell out of every passenger, or this sticky firgured guy in skinny jeans that make him ...... (what's thinner than a stick?). and being in this world that is so different from the one back home, i realised that they are just so outdated, in everything. or maybe not. it's more precise if i say that they try to integrate and bring all these trends into the country. but somehow along the way, these trends all get distorted and twisted until a level of stupidity and is even embarassing for other people to watch. and it totally freaks me out to watch all these ugly and (okay i shall be nice and won't use this word) people camwhoring and post on their blogs, with self appraisal comments. i mean, common, get real! oh god, i've been really bitchy haven't i? lol, well, at least you see how serious this problem is becoming for me. i know i'm not exactly the cutest or most handsome/macho/sexy person around, but at least i know how to present myself the way most suitable for me.

seemingly nice enough, my computer's only played all these emo songs that go perfectly well with my mood.

on a brighter and less mean note, after promo is life (i can't be bothered about the attachment anymore)! and despite of my busy schedule, i still manage to learn some piano stuff, which is amazingly awesome of me since i'm tone deaf :D. i'm such a loser at this stuff luh. but that doesnt mean i will give up okay! so jia you to me. i will sure cherish all these moments. chalet chalet chalet chalet chalet chalet chalet.

good night

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