
hahaha, due to several factors like laziness, mugging, laziness again, laziness and LAZINESS, my beloved room has become like this:

yes i know. it looks disgusting. cloths on the floor. my bed doesn't look sleep-able (if there's such word :P) with all the books, laptop and DVDs :)

oh yah my desk, here's the close up:

THAT is the the nightmare i've been longing to wake up from -.-" there are several more stacks of notes and books around the room that i was too lazy to put there. gosh, just 3 more weeks! CT CT CT CT CT!

okay shall not make myself more paranoid :)

so i've been CONSTANTLY trying to change the skin of this blog. but the goddamn blogger somehow doesn't allow me to. always something wrong with the template. and the IT-noob me had no choice but to forget it, until someone nice enough appears and help me see what's wrong with the thing :P *hinting* *hinting* so for all of you who've been complaining about this blogskin, too bad :D i'm so not good at this stuff lor :) the only things i can do with my laptop is chatting online, surfing, blogging, using microsoft office, playing with photoshop sometimes, playing games, watching movies, listening to music. that's all. full stop. my dad's been complaining about this nonstop but i just act deaf :P

okay, it's time to mug again. good luck to all of you for CTs. get what you aim for :D

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