
wth! so what is all the shit you've been telling me all these times? what the hell happened to all the "oh it's okay, we will never push you. study at your own pace. do whatever you want."? and now you throw the shit to my face with "we never stretched the idea coz we thought that you understand well that you HAVE to get As. we thought that you know you are supposed to make us proud." okay, here's a shocking fact, i've got no effing ideas, okay. you never tell me that i have to get As. i only know to try my best. but my best does not equal to As! so cut the crap and get realistic! it's not like i don't have pressure over here! you want As? come and see for yourself! and yes, i want to make you proud. but unfortunately maybe we have different definitions of "proud". oh yah and please stop with the issue of where i'm going to next. it's my problem and whatever you guys want, keep it away from the phone coz i don't want to hear. dad, do you remember when you told me it's my fight? yes, it's mine. so let me fight it, let me be the commander. you have no ideas how you've disappointed me. do you know that whenever my friends complained about their parents being pushy and stuff, i was so proud and happy to have such cool and understanding parents like you. but now, do you think i can ever be like that? well maybe, but on other fields. i love you guys and i know you guys love me. but i have my limits and honestly i'm pushing beyond it. so back off and give me some space. stop telling me to go study coz i was doing it every single time u called. just have faith in me, that i will make you guys proud okay. coz i myself am having doubts about how far i can go already. it's a promise, i will make you guys proud coz i'm your son.


okay, enough of the emo stuff. so yah, apart from the stupid phone call which was the reason for that whole lot of words above, my life recently evolved around books and notes. oh yah, about the worst subject in the world called mathematics, i recently regretted taking it. it's such a killing and boring thing to do. nowadays, i sleep and pon every single maths lesson that is possible, if not i would do something else (if it's lecture) or sleep (if it's tutorial). my tutor? lol he doesn't even care. and the heck with that. and lectures? i hate that they're so draggy and after every level test, the teachers became so pissy just because the results were not as expected. oh yah and maths teachers are despo people. they are desperately cramming as much stuff as possible into our brain so that we are so called prepared for the common test (hopefully).
chem, after a day with the topical book, turned out to be quite difficult indeed. well, i'm happy that at least i didn't start off too late. econs is still an amazing subject. lol. feel so alive when it comes to econs lessons, despite of a long day of all the hypnotic subjects like GP (double period!), maths (also double) and PW (crapping session for exact).

oh yah, today after school, there was this kind of emergency thingy on the bus at hwa chong bus stop. well, an old guy had a stroke i think, then the ambulance came along and took him away. i hope he's okay now. just a notice, the emergency people, or whatever you call them, don't look hurried but rather deliberate, relaxed and even a bit of reluctant instead. one of them was rather rude also, scolded some other old man. lol well, i don't really know. but it's the first time i saw and emergency situation like that though. well, apart from the life threatening stuff, it's quite cool actually.

aw, i think SPF is throwing some CSI competition. so cool. but it's like on 28th June. so figured i should concentrate on my study then. it just sound cools doing all that fighting crime stuff. at least it's exciting, brain stretching, challenging, risky, adventurous and you may fail, soooo not like maths -.-.

haha, holiday is coming, just a few more days. well, can't wait for aristal to be over. can't wait for class chalet :) can't wait to mug also =))

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