
just get comment test schedule. i guess it's okay. everything is compiled in 1 short week. then i can relax during the super long weekend. but recently i got demoralized by the past year' result. only 50% passed for phys and 25% for chem. i've always known that nj papers are meant to fail students, but i never suspected it's this bad. neway, here are my expectations for the test. i will try my best to get these results. just want to put them here as a sign of confirmation, commitment and motivation.

Maths: if i don't get A (a high one), i'll just kill myself (some sleeping pills will do)

Phys: i still handle this subject quite okay, so i will go for at least a B. this is just to be fair to the subject which i used to love.

Chem: im not really fond of the subject lor. so i guess another B should be sufficient.

Econs: this is my love =)) so i'll just go as far as possible. especially i want to take H3, im hoping for a pass, at least B? :D

GP: haha this one i don't really care. as long as i pass can alr.

okay, now i've got a goal. will try to achieve it. mug. hopefully my effort will be paid off. at least even if i don't get those results, i won't have to regret coz i know i've put in my best.

recently i was hooked up with rubik. haha, it's a fun and cool game man. help me relax my mind whenever i get stuck with smt.

time passes so fast. i have exactly 1 and a half years left to decide. and im still in confusion. i haven't made up my mind yet. im still being torn among choices. i know what i want to do. but where? which place is the best choice? i need that answer in order to focus. Oh god, i need to talk to someone who is sensible and full of wisdom lol :D

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