
04 outing

haha, for me the outing was so fun! the shopping part was a bit tedious, and tiring since we had to repeat the process of taking stuffs and putting them back so many times because the menu was not finalized. however, we crapped along the way, and never get bored because of lynna's sense of lameness :D haha, and she introduced me this lame show got ben stiller and owen wilson called "zoo lander", i think. must go, find and watch hehe.
haha, it was fun that i taught lynna and qingyun how to clean the squid :D and my excellent student, lynna shi, managed to pass the course by successfully cut the chicken fillet into smaller pieces and cut the squid perfectly. good job! it was quite cool that we found 2 half digested fish inside one squid. what a pity that we din take a picture though.
neway, after the dinner with full of dirty jokes, we celebrated Desiree's birthday (happy birthday!). and on the way back hostel, all the chinese scholars were just so crappy talking about the debt they own their parents (and they were talking about money and inflation also :D lol). k ppl, next time when u ve babies, rmb to keep all the receipts liao!

this is the only photo i have for the outing, so just deal with it for now :D will update later. the photo is nice rite :D oh yah, 04s, can we have more outings, so that ama won't hate me nemore :D

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