
it's a start :D hajime desu :)

Finally, i can post! It's such a tedious thing to set up this whole blog. To tell the truth, this is like my third time attempting, and I made it, surprisingly with my sucky IT skills and my inborn laziness! :D haha, enough with the crappy. i will open this blog with a series of photos that i took (secretly) and kept until today. oh man, just don't kill me for this :p

yah, that's jia sheng sleeping
and this is another sleepy head :p

end this is xiu hui and the pink pig :D lol
and charlyn, next time plz don't do warm up in class =))

our all time lamer :D

our bimbo again, but this time looking retarded rofl =))
kai ting acting cute not cute :D

ewwwww, jeremy. sorry man, but i cannot help but laughing looking at this :))
and last but not least, our beloved class board :)

it's pretty much of it liao. hey people, I miss our old 04. its not that our current one is not good, but i just miss us being together in TC34 :(( don't you.

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