

what can i say about airport......

i came to get my dad at changi airport this afternoon. there were some delays and late landing and everything, so it was quite a long wait. but thanks to that, i had a chance to observe something that i've never been able to capture wholly when i was at airports before.

departure gate: i saw people saying goodbye, hugging, even some tears on an old mother's cheeks. i saw a plane leaving. i know, aboard that plane, a lot of people are leaving their beloved behind for something else they want to pursuit in their lives. for some people, finally, they are heading home after a long time apart. at that moment, i also want to be there, to be able to board some sort of flight like that, to escape from this hectic life for a while, to head back home where no worries can touch me.

arrival gate: i saw all kinds of happiness, all tones of emotions there, where sorts of reunion warm people's hearts: parents and children, husband and wife, brothers and sisters, old friends, boyfriend and girlfriend. i saw this couple kissing through the glass wall. they looked like there were no wall between them, at all. cute. and there's this boy next to me, whose dad boarded the same flight with my dad. the moment he saw him, he jumped around, shouted and sang and laughed and kept hitting the glass wall to get his dad's attention. i was sure that i felt everything that boy felt. and again, at that very moment, i wished i were his age, so that i could show all that emotion like a young, carefree kid without being stared or called crazy.

crazy. really crazy. i've been to airports so many times. and i've never felt that way. maybe just because today i was jobless, so i paid every speck of attention to the world around me. and i just realise, be it happiness or sadness, tears of joy or tears of sorrow, they show the same thing: love. and i'm just so happy and satisfied to be loved. "it's our god-forshaken right to be loved loved loved ...."

okay, i've been ranting enough to see that this is getting way cheesy :) hahahaha, just some random feelings i want to get out of my system.

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