

how many times have u guys ditched me like this? next time if you can't be sure about something, don't go and promise me like that! u gave me hope, the burst my bubbles when they are like floating high up there -.-". anyway, you guys will not come here, you guys broke your promise to me, fine! i'm used to it anyway -.- but do you know how much your little daughter has been longing for the trip? you think she will accept your lame excuses? i don't think so. u'd better brace yourself for her outrage! -.-"

okay, the whole reason for that loud shout up there is that my family is not coming here! yah! wat the hell! okay, i noe they get caught up with their job lah, but can they like chill for a while and get here for just a few days -.- heck care. i can't be bothered alr. will just give me more time to mug -.-

oh yah, and i'm being awed by the speed of hostel connection. it reaches 2MB/s leh :D omg, im downloading movie like siao :)) 20 mins per movie, can you believe it? it's so awesome that i don't mind carrying my heavy laptop all the way from my hall to computer room (there's air con there anyway :p) and here i am, downloading to death :)

i keep reminding myself how close aristal is and how far we are from perfection :( haiz, gotta work hard. dance like shit.

can't wait to class chalet and buy lynna some tomatoes for her concert lol :D okay, now i don't know how am i supposed to mug when i have all these new movies inside my laptop. so tempting :(( and there it is, the goals in front of me every time i study at my desk -.- haiyo, but it's such a waste if i don't enjoy the benefits of super high speed internet. people will call me stupid! okay nvm, i will go mug :) see, i'm not easily bribed okay :P

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